Before you invest your hard earned money in LED grow lights do your homework and make sure you get a great light from a reputable company. Otherwise, you might get stuck in the middle of your grow with a ruined crop and light pocketed. There are a few critical things to look out for when shopping for LED grow lights.LED lights can be made using different sized diode chips from less than 1 watt per diode up to 20 watts or more per diode chip. The ideal chip size for a LED light will depend on the use for the light. As the chip size gets larger, the light is more intense but the diodes give off more heat and require a larger cooling mechanism.
1.Heat :These larger diodes have shortcomings when it comes to indoor growing. The larger chips give off more heat and require more heat dissipation. They need larger heat sinks and make for a heavier product. The 5 watt and 10 watt diodes also require the grow light to be larger because they can not be manufactured in a dense network like the 3 watt diode chips.
Recommendation:BS001/2/3 ZS001-8
2.spectrum Different stages of plant growth require different spectra. The initial vegetative stage requires a blue spectrum of light, whereas the later “flowering” stage is usually promoted with red–orange spectra.The ability of a plant to absorb light varies with species and environment,however, the general measurement for the light quality as it affects plants is the PAR value, or Photosynthetically Active Radiation. This measures the useful light energy received by the plant, and the spectra measurements favor the blue and red portions of the light while ignoring in part the green and yellow portions, which plants generally do not benefit from.
So for led grow light whole growth cycle,
The Recommendation:Explore Series